Webinar: The GeneEQUAL team on co-production

In our webinar, you will hear from GeneEQUAL’s researchers and co-researchers.

We will talk about

  • our experiences with the co-production process, and
  • how this has led to an impactful resource and empowerment for people with intellectual disability.

You can read more on the Disability Innovation Institute website: https://www.disabilityinnovation.unsw.edu.au/geneequal-team-co-production

Videos: Our co-production videos

Our health videos

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The videos show three different genetic health care meetings.  

The videos are pretend  

  • but based on people’s real experiences.
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The first video (Take 1) shows poor practice.  

The health care professionals 

  • use negative words that can make people upset 
  • ignore people with intellectual disability. 

At the end the videos we ask health professionals to think how a person with intellectual disability would feel.  

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The second video (Take 2) shows  

  • respectful,  
  • accessible and  
  • inclusive practice.

In the second video health professionals follow the guidelines from the GeneEQUAL project. 

It shows how happy the person with intellectual disability is when health care is done well. 

It asks health professionals how they may change what they do after watching the video series.  

People with intellectual disability and their support people may like to watch these videos to learn how health care should be.