How we work as a team

This page is about

  • how we work at GeneEQUAL
Man pointing into the air with the word "oals beneath him

How we work is about

  • the ways we do things to reach our goals

We are person-centred

The experiences of people with intellectual disability

  • guide our research

We work to each other’s

  • strengths and preferences
Five members of the gene equal team

What works best for each of us

  • can be different

That is great!

Our work spaces are

  • safe
  • welcoming

Everyone is welcome to talk about their

  • experiences
  • ideas
  • opinions

in a positive way

A group of people sitting and standing in front of a panel reading "people first"

We use people first language

We say

  • a person with intellectual disability

We do not say

  • disabled
  • impaired

We say

  • intellectual disability


  • people with intellectual disability

Abbreviations are short forms of

  • words
  • phrases

We do not use abbreviations for disability such as

  • ID
  • PWID
Two people clasp hands while looking at each other

We show respect and understanding

A woman with two thought bubbles coming from her head

Each of our

  • experiences
  • communities
  • ways of thinking

help us to think differently

We show each other

  • it is good to be different

We work to each other’s strengths

We help each other to improve

We do not focus on the things

  • that people find difficult to do

We try not to use

  • difficult words
  • abbreviations

We explain difficult words

  • if we need to use them
Three people sitting at a table and giving thumbs up signals to the camera

This helps everyone to

  • take part in the conversation

Education about genetic health care

  • is important to us
A woman looks at the camera and flexes her biceps

We want people with intellectual disability to

  • feel confident
  • believe in their right

to make their own health care decisions

We support people with intellectual disability to

  • understand their right to make genetic health care decisions
A thinking woman with a thought bubble containing a large tick and cross
  • make decisions about genetic health care
  • feel more confident to be part of health care decisions

We give information that is

  • accessible
A woman in a wheelchair points to a bar chart behind her
  • based on research
Two women stand side by side and hold folders and documents

We share information in many ways

A group of people sit around a table with a large bar chart on it

We explore

  • new research
A magnifying glass focussed on a bar chart
  • what research says works best
  • laws
Illustration of a folder with the word policy and a large tick on the cover
  • policies
A pensive woman stands in front of a sign saying guidance and showing a signpost pointing in various directions

A policy is the instructions that

  • tell people how to follow a law
A group of five people sit in a circle talking

We work together with

  • our team
  • other groups

We work together with many different people

A seated woman with raised arms has a speech bubble saying you are great

We celebrate each other’s

  • strengths
  • skills

When we work together like this

  • our strengths get better and better

We work together with health care workers

  • to show respect to people with intellectual disability

We work together with teachers

Teachers can make sure students with intellectual disability

  • learn to make choices and decisions
  • have many chances to make choices and decisions
  • feel confident to make choices and decisions
A woman speaking into a loudhailer

We are brave

We are not afraid to
• stand up for what is right

We ask the world to show more

  • respect
  • inclusion
  • accessibility

We always want to learn

We welcome new ways of doing research