The GeneEQUAL team was honoured to speak at the Genetic Alliance Australia 2022 Forum at the NSW Parliament on September 20th. Genetic Alliance Australia‘s mission is to improve support for people who are impacted by genetic conditions.
NSW Health Minister Hon Brad Hazzard launched the event. After that, the Parliamentary Secretary to the NSW Premier, Gabrielle Upton MP FAICD, gave a speech.
We were very happy to speak to many different people: academics, members of parliament, health professionals, advocacy leaders, and people living with and supporting those with genetic conditions.
The title of the forum was “Genetics: Conversations, Insights and Changed Practice”. This was in keeping with the goals of the GeneEQUAL team.
Professor Iva Strnadová and Dr Emma Palmer were especially proud to co-present with Ms Skie Sarfaraz from Self-Advocacy Sydney. Skie’s lived experience of having intellectual disability helped explain to the audience the value of GeneEQUAL’s research. Skie helped the audience to understand why inclusive research, co-led with people with intellectual disability, is so important.