We want to hear from health care workers.
Tell us what you think about the GeneEQUAL Toolkit.
Our survey (linked to prize draws) is open.
It will close on the 23rd of November 2023.
Scan the QR code for more information
Are you a parent/carer of a student or a young adult with intellectual disability living in Australia?
We want to know:
If you are interested please contact
Chia Roung Chen
0424 357 5510424
Jennifer Hansen
0400 370 392
PDF file
We want to talk to health care professionals (including medical students) who have worked with people with intellectual disability.
We want to talk to them about
Please contact Dr Emma Palmer if you would like to take part in this study.
Name | Dr Elizabeth Emma Palmer |
Position | Coordinating Chief investigator, Clinical Lecturer and Clinical Geneticist |
Telephone | (02) 9348 1601 |
elizabeth.palmer@unsw.edu.au |
To find out more, download the flyer below.
PDF file
We want to talk to people with intellectual disability.
We want to talk to them about genetic health care
We want to make genetic health care better for people with intellectual disability.
We would love to hear the experiences of:
You can be involved through
The interviews last around 30 minutes to 1 hour.
If you like you can bring a person you trust with you to the interview.
If you are interested or have any questions, you can contact
Emma Palmer
by email: elizabeth.palmer@unsw.edu.au
by phone 02 9382 5583
Iva Strnadová
by email: i.strnadova@unsw.edu.au
by phone: 0426 959 172
Download the flyer below.
PDF file
We want to hear from health care workers.
Tell us what you think about the GeneEQUAL Toolkit.
Our survey (linked to prize draws) is open.
It will close on the 23rd of November 2023.
Scan the QR code for more information
We want to speak to support people of children and adults with intellectual disability?
We want to learn about your experiences with genetic health care and health care with people with intellectual disability.
Together we can develop a better model of inclusive, person-centred and respectful genetic health care for people with intellectual disability.
Download the flyer below.
PDF file
The GeneEQUAL team are honoured that UNSW Adjunct Lecturer Julie Loblinzk received the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for her services to people with people with disability in Australia.
The GeneEQUAL team have been busy co-producing Easy Read booklets, best practice communication videos and an educational package for health professionals. These are now live on the Centre for Genetics Education website as well as our website in the resources section. We can’t wait to share them with you.