GeneEQUAL Health: New study for health care professionals

We want to talk to health care professionals (including medical students) who have worked with people with intellectual disability.

We want to talk to them about

  • their experiences delivering health care to people with intellectual disability
  • their experiences talking about genes and genetic testing with people with intellectual disability
  • their experience with delivering genetic health care to people with intellectual disability
  • what resources or changes to health care services could be better
  • what could be better

Please contact Dr Emma Palmer if you would like to take part in this study.

NameDr Elizabeth Emma Palmer
PositionCoordinating Chief investigator, Clinical Lecturer and Clinical Geneticist
Telephone(02) 9348 1601

To find out more, download the flyer below.

PDF file

Inclusive Practice Award – New Awardee

GeneEQUAL announce yet another Inclusive Practice Award. 

Our new awardee is Ms Tracey Miles.

She is a community nurse at Hunter Valley region, Australia.

Tracey received the award on 28/11/2023. 

Ms Tracey Miles deserves to be recognised because she is a community nurse who goes out of her way to make sure her patients are looked after in every way. She treats people with respect and listens to them. She is a beautiful nurse.

GeneEQUAL Schools: New study for teens and young people with intellectual disability

We want to speak to teens and young people with intellectual disability.

We want to know about what you want to learn about

  • genetics
  • health care
  • health care choices

Many people with intellectual disability have told us

Members from the GeneEQUAL team are doing a study about what teens and young adults (up to 28 years of age) with intellectual disability across Australia want to learn about their health and making informed health care choices.

This is because everything we do at GeneEQUAL centres on what matters most to people with intellectual disability, including young people. Please check out details about our study in the flyer below, contact Jennifer if you want to learn more or know a young person keen to join the study, and share this news with your friends and colleagues.

Download the flyer below.

PDF file, 920 KB

Cover of the Empowering students with intellectual disability flyer